Six Word Story Challenge #3

February 6th, 2014
Before I forget my manners I must thank @gazbadger for choosing my photo as a finalist in last week's challenge. This is my first challenge win and I am absolutely gobsmacked, thanks so much if you voted for my photo and thanks to all the other awesome entrants. It's such a fun challenge Joey @joemuli, thank you for starting it.

Please join the challenge and have some fun. I roped my hubby in and this is the shot we came up with "She forgot to lock the door":

Joey posted a great link to show examples:

All you have to do then is tag your photo with: sixws-3

Please take special care with your tag because entries will only be accepted on this tag.

The challenge will run from today 06/02 until Tuesday 11/02 (6 days) and then I will pick 6 finalists to put to the vote. (Yikes, how do you guys do that!!)

This is a great challenge to have fun with... so get those creative juices flowing... anything goes as long as it is a six word story and the image fits the title.

edit: Forgot to say the photo needs to be taken within the dates of the challenge ;-)
February 6th, 2014
@gazbadger @joemuli I hope I have presented this properly, I couldn't find the original challenge to see if it needed to be run on certain days, etc. I seem to have messed the link up that Joey gave us also.
February 6th, 2014
YAY! i love 6 words lol
February 6th, 2014
@annied You can't resist can you Annie? Congrats on winning Sheralee and I really must give it a go this week.
February 6th, 2014
@paulaw i can't - and you must hahahaha
February 6th, 2014
@paulaw Thanks Paula and yes, please join in.

@annied Will see you there Annie :)
February 6th, 2014
@bella_ss already am hahahahaha
February 6th, 2014
Looks good to me.... you're off to a great start. Generally with the challenges its a set period of days... not set days of the week. That's how I ran it last week at any rate. I will have to come up with something to join in with this now this week plus I have to start a new song title challenge having won that last week! =)
February 6th, 2014
@gazbadger Thanks Gaz, sounds like you are busy, busy!
February 6th, 2014
@bella_ss Lol... always! =)
February 6th, 2014
Congrats Sheralee !!! just relax,have fun,my dear.... you're doing a great job, & like what Gaz said--"YOU'RE OFF TO A GREAT START"~~~6wordstory :)
February 6th, 2014
Congrats Sheralee. Great shot
February 6th, 2014
Thank you for running this challenge ( 6wordstory)
Think I should join in again (6wordstory)
You deserved winning the last one ( 6wordstory)
February 6th, 2014
@joemuli awww, thanks Joey!

@trishaclancy Thank you Trisha :)

@khirsch Love your stories Karin, join in (6wordstory)
February 6th, 2014
The trees are dripping with diamonds.

I love six word story challenge (6wordstory)
Thank you for running this challenge (6worldstory)
I love stories. I love pictures (6wordstory)
February 7th, 2014
@nadaa Wow! that's beautiful!
February 7th, 2014
Sometimes I feel like that barn.

Best viewed Large.
February 7th, 2014
@lambda haha, very clever!
February 7th, 2014
she was lost in quiet contemplation...

February 7th, 2014
@lisatork Love it, love the subtle turn of the foot :)
February 7th, 2014
Here's my effort for this week:
February 7th, 2014
@bella_ss Very nice! And thanks for your comment! May be I should have placed the 6-word story on the picture itself.
February 7th, 2014
@lambda No, I think it's lovely as is.
February 7th, 2014
@bella_ss Oops sorry, I just added it. :) Let me know, I can easily remove it if that's better. Just learning new things...
February 7th, 2014
The polar vortex is still here.

February 7th, 2014
@lambda Lol, I think it's great either way :)
February 8th, 2014
Everyone has such lovely efforts! I can't think of anything I have that would compete with this week's group. But it's fun to watch.

@bella_ss - 11/02 is a Tuesday? But the 6 day spread works.
February 8th, 2014
@gelsey Thanks Gelsey, I copied and pasted some of Gaz's blurb and didn't notice that, fixed now :) Join in, I honestly thought my shot would not stand a chance! Really, it's the fun of having a go plus it gives you a reason to shoot something a little different. Joey's link has some great examples and it's where I chose my phrases from:
February 8th, 2014
@bella_ss No problem, I thought you'd want to know :)

I'll see if I can get any good shots this week! If I do I'll submit something.
February 8th, 2014
Do i contradict myself? Well maybe
February 10th, 2014
I'll just take one, he said...

February 10th, 2014
My first go at Six Word!, so here goes!
"Once rang with song - Now Quiet"
February 10th, 2014
My first go...swimming lesson promotion, finally goggles allowed

February 10th, 2014
Holly and Berries on the Rocks
February 10th, 2014
@sunshinephoto5 @mace508 @sioux @yzzilp @mamadrum Great entries ladies, thank you!!

Gosh, just one more day and I have to choose six, yikes!!
February 10th, 2014

@bella_ss LOL! I don't envy your task so many great entries
February 11th, 2014
@sioux great story...tag it with this sixws-3 so it goes with all the other entries
February 11th, 2014
@sunshinephoto5 Ooops, oh thanks Dawn, I will do that now.
February 11th, 2014
February 12th, 2014
I live in a bubble today.

February 12th, 2014
Good dark chocolate cures all ills!

February 12th, 2014
Time is up for entries, I will post the six final images for voting. This will be painful with so many wonderful entries!
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