Camera Settings Challenge - csc14-06

March 28th, 2014
Dear co-365eers!

Do some of the camera settings intimidate you? Do you want to learn how to develop your photography skills and learn how to use your camera effectively without always going back to the "auto" function? These challenges are for you!

I am very honoured and happy you voted for my photo in the csc14-05 - self portrait. I am quite new to the project and it was a big surprise. Thank you all!

When I was looking for the right idea I decided it should have something to do with light - it is spring after all, there is sometimes SO MUCH light that one doesn't know what to do with it. So why not make use of it?

Therefore this week’s challenge is: High Key Photography

Explanation: The overall idea is a picture that consists mainly of light and mid tones without dark shadows. The pictures are usually conveying a feeling of lightness and clarity, or certain expressive mood.

The normal picture key tones are usually the midtones. The greys. High key means we are mapping the key tones or midtones to a high level - we are brightenning them. In setting the camera it means measuring the midtones and setting the exposition 1 or 2 stops higher. You basically overexpose the midtones. The problem is, you have to be careful not to blow out the highlights. There are several tricks how you can do that - you can look at the links bellow. There, you also can find some links to good interesting high-key pictures and some tips what is a good subject for a high-key snap.

And you can check out some of the 365ers who work with it. One I know about is e.x. Spanner but many more.

Helpful Links:

This challenge starts today, Friday 28th March 2014, and ends on Monday 7th April 2014 12:00pm Central Standard Time. All photos must be taken during these dates to be considered. Enter as many as you would like- the idea is to practice and learn. TAG your photo CSC14-06 AND post your picture in this thread to receive feedback from other experienced photographers specific to this challenge.

Voting will take place on 10th April 2014 (and remain open 24 hours), and the winner will be announced 13th April 2014. The winner of the challenge will select an experienced photographer to host a new challenge. It is the winner’s option on who they want to host the next challenge; it may be someone they follow whose work they admire, or someone who is active offering suggestions on previous CSC challenges. The winner may also select an experienced photographer for the list of photographers who have agreed to host future challenges as another option. Here is the link to that list:

Expect to receive constructive suggestions on how to improve your skills.

How to post your photo on this link:
1) Upload your photo to 365, and be sure to add CSC14-06 as one of the tags.
2) Go to your page that has the photo you wish to post.
3) Copy the "share" code in the bottom right section of that page.
4) Return to this thread and paste the code under comments

Have fun and I hope that high key will bring some high spirits in the game!
March 28th, 2014
Alice, you did great with starting new challenge. I think you meant April 7th as end date, not May. Other than that everything looks great to me. I'm excited to practice some high key shots.
March 28th, 2014
@ikamera Thank you! That would have been be a LONG time spent with high key. You were very helpful.
March 28th, 2014
Definitely looks great! Excited to see what people come up with!
March 28th, 2014
Check out @rachelwithey and @joemuli for wonderful examples of high key images.
March 28th, 2014
Wonderful challenge! Love it!
March 28th, 2014
@taffy thanks v much
March 28th, 2014
I love high key! may have to try this one :)
March 29th, 2014

Here is my high key shot
March 29th, 2014
@alicenellis just wondering if I posted this photo correctly?
March 29th, 2014
I really struggle with high key... I have a lighting kit with two lights and a white backdrop and i also purchased an external flash but i dont seem to be able to put them all together to get it... I will give it another go this week.. Any advice is greatly appreciate..
March 29th, 2014
@radiogirl You did great - I looked and it can be found through the tag as well, wonderful photo too!
March 30th, 2014
Here's my attempt at high-key:

March 30th, 2014
Does this count as high key?
March 30th, 2014
Or this?
March 30th, 2014
@dibzgreasley i believe so.
March 30th, 2014
Here is my shot for the challenge :)

March 30th, 2014

April 1st, 2014

April 1st, 2014

Here is another high key shot.
April 2nd, 2014
@alicenellis great idea for a challenge and thank you for setting this up!
April 2nd, 2014
My first attempt..
April 2nd, 2014
April 3rd, 2014
Another attempt
April 4th, 2014
April 5th, 2014
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