what can you see #12 - in the fridge - REMINDER

November 7th, 2014
What do people store in their fridges? Food, that’s a no-brainer. Some people have tons of it, others less so. Or beer! Cases! If there’s going to be a tornado, or worse a thermo-nuclear explosion, you gotta have beer, right? Well, not for me. Chocolate would calm me down just enough. But what else do you store in your fridges? So far we know people have batteries, film rolls, nail polish, stockings.

What about you? What could we possibly see in your fridge if we were to look at it right now? Are you the unorganized type or the anal type who labels everything in the fridge? Well, take a photo and show us. Penny @pennyp and I would like to see them. The deadline is midnight on FRIDAY, November 7th.

And as an incentive, I’ll tell you this story:

When Tom’s (not his real name, of course) best friend Harry died, he left his pet parrot for Tom to take care of. The parrot had all these years learned to talk yet only vile words would come out of its dirty beak. Whenever Tom said “Good morning” to it, the parrot would reply “F*** you, Tom.” Or when it got hungry, it would yell “Tom, you prick! Feed me! I’m f***ing hungry!”

Tom tried to ignore the parrot’s prickly attitude and always treated it as gently and as nicely as he could. One night, Tom brought home his date for a night cap. He greeted the parrot very nicely but it replied, “You’re a loser, Tom. Is this all you could manage for a date?” Tom’s lady friend was taken aback, but smiled and said, “Oh, he could really talk. He’s so sweet.” The parrot told the lady, “Oh, don’t play cute with me, you slut. You know you’re here so you could get laid! You’re not the only one, you know. Don Juan here jumps at anything wearing a skirt.” The lady was so offended she slapped Tom and ran out the door.

Tom was so incensed because he really liked this lady. “Must you be so obnoxious? I’m fed up with your nasty attitude. Tomorrow, I’m going to have to release you in the forest. Maybe you need to be with the other likes of you.” And the parrot said all the nastiest words to Tom until Tom couldn’t take it anymore. He took the cage, opened the freezer door of the fridge and shook the cage to let out the parrot into the freezer. Then he quickly closed the freezer door, all the while the parrot was swearing and threatening and scratching the walls of the almost empty freezer.

After a few minutes, all fell silent. Tom felt guilty thinking he might have killed the parrot. He was about to open the freezer door when he heard a light tapping from inside.

“Master Tom. Hello, Master Tom. I am calm now. I apologize for my very vile behaviour and I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Tom opened the freezer door and the parrot spread its wings and alighted on his shoulder, wrapped its wings around his neck and whispered in his ear, almost in a cooing tone, “Oh, Master Tom, opening that door meant you forgive me. I thank you with all my heart.” Tom of course was quite surprised and puzzled all this time, but he didn’t say a word thinking it was just one of the nasty parrot’s tricks and soon it would attack him. But it flew straight to its cage and shut it closed, perched on its usual perch and started to hum a lullaby. Tom saw the devastation inside the freezer but thought he would deal with it in the morning. He closed the freezer door and started to walk towards his bedroom.

“Goodnight, master Tom!” the parrot said.

“Goodnight,” Tom replied, still wary and suspicious.

Just as Tom was about to open his bedroom door, the parrot said, “By the way, Master Tom.”

“Yes?” Tom said.

The parrot did a little shuffle with his little feet and said, “May I inquire as to what that turkey did to deserve its fate?”


Oh, come on, you’ve got to admit that’s funny!

Now, go on, kind folks. Take the camera, open the fridge door and take a photo.

tag: wcys-12

see the original post here: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/23931/what-can-you-see-12-wcys-12

and so far, we have these wonderful entries: http://365project.org/tags/wcys-12


November 7th, 2014
@summerfield LOL...haha...that WAS funny. Thanks! I will try not to put any of my pets in the freezer and get you a good pic of what might be in there! I can assure you none of it is labeled tho!
November 7th, 2014
@summerfield How / where do I send the photo(s)? I don't understand.
November 7th, 2014
The larder is rather bare right now- but as I'm slow on pictures this week, why not!?
November 7th, 2014
bahaaaaaa! omg! that's hilarious! you realize, of course, that i put the penguin in the fridge in the summer, right? i'm fresh out of ideas right now ;p maybe tomorrow...
November 7th, 2014
Haha, thanks for the laugh!
November 7th, 2014
November 7th, 2014
@highbridge - hi, lisa. you post your photo in your album and you tag it wcys-12. we're waiting for your photo! :-)
November 7th, 2014
@olivetreeann - well, ann, if it's a little bare, show it too (with the labels? :-)) kidding!
November 7th, 2014
@northy - i'm so glad i made you smile. and i hope meeeeeeester penguin doesn't see those chicken parts. hahaha!
November 7th, 2014
@bella_ss @homeschoolmom - oh, glad i made you smile, ladies!
November 7th, 2014
excellent story. On a friday afternoon in the summertime - my fridge has tonic.. waiting for the Gin!
November 7th, 2014
With the temperature forecast to be around 36C today, I would like to be in the fridge in and off! I'll try to dream something up.
November 7th, 2014
LMAO....top story. :)
November 7th, 2014
Great story and it even got me up to looking my fridge which is full of half used jars of 'stuff' and lots of ordinary food as I have guests coming today and should be cooking. Not even a bit of mould in site! Sorry no photo, but I better get cooking!
November 7th, 2014
@brigette - gin and tonic! let's see it! :-)

@skippysue - thank you, sue. what's in your fridge? i'm getting hungry!

@callymazoo - oh, you're cooking. good! while you're waiting for stuff to cook, why not take a shot of your fridge.

i might have to tell another story to convince you, ladies, to post an entry! :-D
November 7th, 2014
Great story! Thanks for the reminder!
November 7th, 2014
Thanks for the laugh my friend.
November 7th, 2014
@northy hahahah!
November 7th, 2014
Great story. I'll have a go then!
November 7th, 2014
@g4gg - thank you, jane. penny p and i are looking forward to your photo.
November 7th, 2014
@bill_fe - glad i could make you laugh. ;-)
November 7th, 2014
@overalvandaan - yay! we're looking forward to see your photo! @pennyp
November 7th, 2014
Here it is, I'm warming up at the fire now:
November 7th, 2014
@overalvandaan This is awesome
November 7th, 2014
@bill_fe thanks Bill!
November 7th, 2014
@overalvandaan - baaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!!! saxa, you are so funny!

penny, you might have a hard time picking your 5 now!

November 8th, 2014
@salza - oops, i seem to have skipped you, my good friend. thank you and i look forward to seeing your post.
November 8th, 2014
@summerfield unfortunately I didn't manage to get a picture done in time. I'm now running away for a few days and have no idea what sort of internet connection I will have.
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