Get Pushed Week 120 - Monday Nov 10 to Sunday Nov 16

November 8th, 2014

One of the key aspects of "get pushed" is that we get "pushed" out of our photographic comfort zones... this means that you need to find something that is a CHALLENGE for your partner...

look thru the recent months of their project and come up with something they don't seem to have done, or have indicated struggling with... it could be a type of subject, a compositional technique, a particular camera setting, use of light, anything... as long as it is something they don't seem to have done, or done much of...

if you're paired with someone who appears very experienced and accomplished, give them a concept challenge - eg.: interpret a word (something a bit intangible like "silence", or "ambiguous"... not a thing like "animal" or "toy")...

looking thru your partner's albums needn't take a lot of time... but it is very much appreciated when this effort is invested...


Week 120 Dates

-- Saturday / Sunday, Nov 8 and 9 - find your partner and issue a challenge
-- Monday Nov 10 thru Sunday Nov 16 - take a picture (or pictures) in response to the challenge issued to you, and post it with the tag: Get-Pushed-120, and comment on the photos taken in response to your challenge
-- Monday, November 17 - the winner of week 119 will pick 5 finalists for a vote


How to play:


1. Find your partner from the list below and click on their name to get to their profile

2. Browse through the last couple of months of photos to get a feel for what they shoot and don't shoot etc.

3. Post an introduction on their last photo, and also issue the challenge you are setting.


4. You have until midnight next Sunday, to take and post your shot or shots.

5. When posting your shot WRITE A SHORT DESCRIPTION about
-- who challenged you,
-- what the challenge was,
-- what you found hard about it etc.

You really should do this because if nothing else, it helps the previous week's winner when they have to choose this week's finalists... besides, if someone is cruising the photos with a "get pushed" tag, they like to see what the challenge was when looking at your photo :)

6. Make sure to tag your shot for the challenge.... Get-Pushed-120

7. Tag your challenger in a COMMENT (not just your write-up). You MUST tag your partner in a separate comment... tagging them in your write-up of your photo is not sufficient as it will not result in them getting a notification...


8. it is nice to visit the photo that was made in response to your challenge and offer some comments and maybe even some constructive criticism...

9. On the Monday after the challenge is over, the winner of the previous week will pick 5 finalists for a vote, this can be based purely on their fav photos, who they felt best met the challenge etc, etc.

Happy trails!!!!

@wouterkbouter with @kali66
@lynnilou with @lynne5477
@westerly45 with @amyleewinfield
@homeschoolmom with @anne_k
@mizzm with @zosimasy
@neatz with @smithak
@vignouse with @jocasta
@overalvandaan with @stephomy
@francoise with @joansmor
@tstb with @froggie0628
@nanderson with @marenh
@originalintentionstudios with @mcsiegle
@ithinkithunk with @livvy
@kph129 with @genealogygenie
@angelamk with @bella_ss
@aecasey with @julieco
@brigette with @northy
@jan20 with @mej2011
@roseolivia with @lilminimonka
@joeymc with @scarybird
@debseibly with @hjbenson
@ladygator with @sjoblues
@la_photographic with @summerfield
@macromover with @lorrainelouise
@newbank with @justaspark
November 8th, 2014
ha ha, I was just @overalvandaan 's partner a week ago. I'm happy to be her partner again though, if she's cool with it.
November 8th, 2014
@stephomy @northy I'm fine with it :-)
November 9th, 2014
Would you be able to take me off the list next week Northy? I've got a lot on and don't think I'll be able to get around to a challenge.
Thanks x
November 10th, 2014
I need to be taken off next week as well.
November 11th, 2014
FYI in your instructions above, "isn't" should be replaced by "is" in this:
"as long as it isn't something they don't seem to have done, or done much of... "
Of course, the rest of the description does make clear what is intended.
November 13th, 2014
@northy Hi! Can I join the get pushed challenge next week? I'm excited to try and stretch my photography!
@anniemc051 Want to join too?
November 13th, 2014
@mcsiegle good catch... tx! (and glad to know someone is reading this stuff ;p)

@ludgate - sure!
November 13th, 2014
@northy @ludgate I would love to join!! :D
November 13th, 2014
@northy hey id like to get back into this next week. thanks!
November 13th, 2014
@anniemc051 ok... I'll add you to the list to get paired up next week... For is week, If you and @ludgate want to pair up, that would be great!
November 13th, 2014
@northy This week? Sounds great! :D
November 13th, 2014
@northy @anniemc051 Awesome!
November 13th, 2014
I got set a challenge last week which I did, no comment back. My challenge I set not done. Set a challenge this week, no response, none set for me again. It's too late this week now just thought I would let you know. Both had big gaps on their month so might not be following much. Two weeks in a row, not your fault at all so appreciate all you do.
November 13th, 2014
Actually I did get a comment last week on mine but my challenge not done.
November 14th, 2014
@neatz hi Anita... so sorry you've had a disappointing couple of weeks... and so frustrating given that i just did the housekeeping thread so everyone on the list chimed in just 3 weeks ago... regardless - it is what it is... thank you for your patience! i have noted that @smithak is mia... for your partner from the previous week - she took herself off the list earlier this week...
November 15th, 2014
@neatz ..sorry for messing up and missing your challenge schedule. I was MIA due to reasons beyond my control. I am sorry for the inconvenience. @northy Thank you for your patience with this. Please take me off the list as I may not be able to participate on a weekly basis. Really a helpful challenge and would love to be back when I have things streamlined. thank you.
November 16th, 2014
@smithak no worries, hope everything gets sorted. Thanks for response, much appreciated.
November 17th, 2014
@northy I'm super confused :p ... I thought I was paired with @amyleewinfield and posted in her most recent image (at the time I saw our pairing) and offered her a challenge... I didn't hear back so I thought I'd check in on this thread and don't see myself listed and see the person I thought was my partner listed with another person...

Help pleeese... ;)
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