winner WWYD148

November 20th, 2016
A huge thank you to all who participated in the last WWYD challenge, we had some amazing entries, and I think we have some very talented 365'ers. After tallying up the votes, I'd like to announce that @mikegifford has one this challange, with this fabulous entry which was one of my favourites.

It's over to you now Mike to coordinate the next challenge.

I would just like to share another edit of my image by @ltodd. Lyn chose not to participate in the challenge, but I'd just like to acknowledge her edit anyway, as it's a stunning composite.

November 20th, 2016
@mikegifford Congrats Mike. I loved your image, my grandson want's me copy this edit and print it off for him to put on his wall:)
November 20th, 2016
@deborah63 That's a bunch and I also liked Lyn's @ltodd composite very much! I'll post WWYD148 once I pick a base image for the next challenge!

I also want to thank everyone that participated in challenge and that voted!
November 20th, 2016
Congratulations @mikegifford Mike. @ltodd Lynn this is just beautiful. Your editing is magical.
November 20th, 2016
@deborah63 @mikegifford @thistle Oh thanks Debbie, Mike & Joyce! Congratulations Mike! :)
November 20th, 2016
Congrats Mike @mikegifford! Can't wait to see what you'll have us play with next. :)
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