We have a winner for the Candy Macro Challenge

November 24th, 2016
This was certainly an exciting challenge with many superb entries, and heavy participation with the voting. Thank you!

Voting was so close with Christine @k1w1 garnering 26 votes and Lockarec @evalieutionspics not far behind with 22 votes. The balance of the votes was evenly divided between the remaining three finalists.

So, without further ado, I would like to congratulate Christine who now has the honour of selecting the next macro subject.

November 24th, 2016
Congrats, Christine @k1w1! Now over to you to continue this awesome challenge.
November 24th, 2016
That is one stunning macro I have to admit! Congrats @k1w1 !
November 24th, 2016
@farmreporter @cottiac Wow. Thank you!! I'm totally stunned. I will put some thought into a subject today and start the new challenge tomorrow morning :)
November 24th, 2016
great shot Christine @k1w1 :)
November 24th, 2016
can almost taste the sweet/sourness. congratulations
November 25th, 2016
@k1w1 congratulations!! Sweet victory!
November 26th, 2016
@jackies365 Thanks Jackie
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