Flash of Red February Returns

January 28th, 2017
It's time to hone your black and white skills with Flash of Red February- the month where we dedicate ourselves to taking black and white shots until the 14th when with the help of some selective coloring we inject a little splash of color to the calendar view. Believe it or not, this is year #5 for this month-long challenge and it seems to grow in popularity every year. I'm always excited to see new faces take on the challenge and pleased when "alumni" return.

For those of you who'd like to add in some additional learning, this year the weekly themes will coincide with the book "12 Secrets to Master the Art of Black and White Photography" by James Carren. It's available in Kindle (2.99 US dollars), paperback (9.95) and Audible (3.95) on Amazon.com. It's an easy read (the only drawback being there are no pictures for reference- but not to worry, I'll try to put some of my own examples on the discussion thread for you) but you don't need to have the book to take part in the theme as I will recap the salient points of the reading for you each week.

So here is the general outline for the weeks to come:

Feb. 1-5 Intro, Deciding When to Shoot in Black and White, Tonal Differences and Being Technically Competent
Feb. 6-12 Paying Attention to Light, Texture
Feb. 13-19 Composition, Headshots
Feb. 14- Flash of Red
Feb. 20-28 Post-Processing, If You're Struggling, and Conclusion

Each week I'll draw out several options from the book as "assignments" for you to choose from. I always try to make it as flexible as possible so that whether you're new to black and white or have been doing it for a while, you can adjust the fun to your liking and skill.

New to selective coloring? Here are some step by step ways you can achieve it using 365 and Picmonkey:


A review and post of the first week's challenge is coming soon! I hope you'll join in!
Ann LeFevre
January 28th, 2017
Would you add me on?
January 28th, 2017
@milaniet Done!
January 28th, 2017
thank you so much for organizing this!
January 28th, 2017
Thanks Ann. Looking forward to doing this again.
January 28th, 2017
Could I participate too please - New to these challenges so may need a bit of guidance as to how I put my pics on!
January 28th, 2017
@olivetreeann Excellent :) Thanks so much Ann, really looking forward to it.
January 28th, 2017
January 28th, 2017
@olivetreeann Thanks Ann, I always enjoy Flash of Red February! :)
January 28th, 2017
I had a go at this last year and would like to try again. Please add me. Thanks!!
January 28th, 2017
Please add me, I need a bit of a kick, thanks
January 28th, 2017
Thank you Ann! :-)
January 28th, 2017
Hi, can you add me please? :)
January 28th, 2017
Looking forward to the get go on this. 1st February also marks the start of my 5th year on 365.

PS: Just noticed that my tag is wrong - it should be @kiwinanna with two 'n's. Thanks for your planning and organisation for Flash of Red
January 29th, 2017
@olivetreeann thanks, Ann.
January 29th, 2017
Hi Ann, I just popped in to see what was going on and saw this post. Can you believe that I had forgotten about it. I might just join in, as a way to get me back onto the site. I do miss it. Will you add me to your list please.
How are you?
January 29th, 2017
I'm in this year again. Love doing this one.
January 29th, 2017
What is the exact tag again?
January 29th, 2017
Can you add me to the notification list, please. I'm ready to spend some time with B&W again and would love to follow your tips for better photographs. @houser934
January 29th, 2017
I'd like to play too please
January 29th, 2017
Thanks v much
January 30th, 2017
I might try this. Thanks for organizing this.
January 30th, 2017
I would like to participate. Thanks!
January 30th, 2017
@365projectltaylor @ingrid01 @susie1205 @cazink @dibzgreasley @pandorasecho @houser934 @30pics4jackiesdiamond @daisymiller @amyk

I'm tagging you here to let you know the first week summary is up:

Next week you'll be added on to the master list after the post. Thanks for joining in!

@kiwinanna It's fixed on my master list now Liana. Sorry about that. With almost 100 tags I'm bound to make some typos!

@pandorasecho The tag is flashofred2017
January 30th, 2017
Thank you
January 31st, 2017
@30pics4jackiesdiamond You're welcome!
January 31st, 2017
Can you please add me! Thanks
February 1st, 2017
@adi314 Will do!
February 10th, 2017
I'm very late to the party but would love to join this project if possible. Thanks to @helenhall for sharing the link
February 10th, 2017
@helenm2016 Glad you're joining us Helen!
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