A pleasant train journey by haskar

A pleasant train journey

Today I was at my mother's. She had just turned 93. She was in bad shape and slept all the time. I was caming back a bit sad and distracted when a young couple sat down next to me with this sweet dog. Even a strange dog can comfort you in a bad moment.
It's a sweet little dog, and they can be very calming for the soul
September 23rd, 2024  
So sorry that you were so sad in how your elderly mother was when you visited , but amazing how a sweet little animal can sooth your mind and soul ! Great shot - he seems to be in clover!! fav
September 23rd, 2024  
Sweet, sweet, sweet! Sorry your mum is not doing too well. I know the feeling. My dad turns 91 tomorrow. x
September 23rd, 2024  
September 23rd, 2024  
Very cute and thankful that this little dog was able to lift your spirits!
I know how you feel I’m dealing with the same thing with my elderly mother!
It’s very disturbing when they’re not doing well !
September 23rd, 2024  
I’m glad that this cute, silly little face brought a bit of joy. I understand it’s hard to see a parent (or anyone) in this condition. I used to drive the back way home from visiting my mother especially to see a sparkling creek along the side of the road.
September 23rd, 2024  
Such a cute and fun shot.
September 23rd, 2024  
What a darling, happy-looking pup! I'm glad it brought some joy to you after the sad visit to your ailing mom!
September 23rd, 2024  
LOL! That's just too, too cute!
September 23rd, 2024  
It is sad, but your mother has love and everything she needs. I believe you cannot do more.
September 23rd, 2024  
I believe that your Mum may have known you were there and been comforted just by your presence. And this crazy little face must have been a nice distraction for you on your way home.
September 23rd, 2024  
A delightful capture! I'm glad it brought you a some relief. It's very sad when our parents decline. In my case, I actually felt unanchored- suspended in shock and sadness. It's such a hard time. Hang in, Hannah! Thinking of you! xx
September 23rd, 2024  
oh my
September 23rd, 2024  
So sorry to hear your Mum isn't doing too well at the moment. I am sure this little dog brightened up your day.
September 23rd, 2024  
So cute and yes, it’s good to smile even in our sadness
September 23rd, 2024  
That sounds like a tough day. I’m glad you found some solace in that cheerful little face.
September 23rd, 2024  
So true how animals can comfort us, I am so sorry for your pain
September 24th, 2024  
So sorry re your mom. Dogs really are a man’s (woman’s) best friend. My son just few home with his new 9 week old puppy
September 24th, 2024  
So sorry for your Mom. A sweet picture.
September 24th, 2024  
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's failing health. It is so hard to see the ones we love suffer. I'm glad this little fellow brought a smile to your face- some happiness amidst life's lower points.
September 24th, 2024  
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