I'm all about volunteering; and plants volunteer, too. In the gardening world, Wikipedia tells me, "a volunteer is a plant that grows on its own, rather than being deliberately planted by a farmer or gardener" and "volunteers often grow from seeds that float in on the wind, are dropped by birds, or are inadvertently mixed into compost."
This tiny begonia and a few others like it volunteered to grow on the moss-covered boulders arranged around the hickory; and how they do it sans soil intrigues me. I crouched for a closer look; nestled my elbows into the soft, cool moss; and turned the focus ring. As a recipient of this volunteer's service, appreciation sprung up within me and I stayed a while, imagining the little begonia just as joyful to be offering its service as I was to receive it. The Lord made me so happy by putting this pretty scene in my path today.
How many times have you noticed that it’s the little quiet moments in the midst of life that seem to give the rest extra-special meaning?
― Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers