I want to remember the little details. The way the big kitchen window lets the light in, the way my peppermint trees reflect in the shiny granite, the way the lights on the scraggly tree on the farm table glow bright because he put in fresh batteries and without being asked. These are not ordinary things but the things of a life blessed.
There is no such thing as an ordinary life.
— Mark Twain, American writer
I never did see such amazing looking creations as these peppermint trees. I guess they are decorative, rather than truly made of peppermint? Certainly not ordinary. May you continue to be blessed throughout the Christmas season.
As it came down, I knew it had to be yours. You always have such perfect dof and lighting. There's such a calm and enriching (for lack of the word I want) feel to your photos. Those peppermint trees are beautiful!