Before things get ugly (they usually do and the colleges hand out fines and punishments and try to avoid sending down the next generation of barristers and doctors at the last minute before they graduate). Not too much fancy dress or 'onsie' wearing this year though about 20 'Where's Wallies' were on their way and orange trousers seemed to be the 'thing'.
The girls in the middle had repeated fallen off a bike which they had been 'saved' from by somebody else nicking it.
@busylady@quietpurplehaze@jennywren@taz_o It traditionally starts with a wrestling fight between the Jesus College drinking society 'The Caesarians' - (new members are called legionaries) and the Girton College drinking society 'The Green Giants'. They've been banned from university land hence the move to Jesus Green & the fight has been banned as well. You get some terrible initiation ceremonies (but quite amused to encounter naked lads with plant pots heading down our road trying to get back to town one evening) because I'm not a fan of drinking till you re nearly dead but I doubt today was worse than the nonsense you see on Saturday nights in most town centres. The press love it because they are posh kids behaving badly and the university absolutely hates it!
Well it all looks fairly innocent to are old & sensible soon enough & they must have worked darn hard at some point to get to Cambridge in the first place.
They are so lucky to have such a fabulous historic place to study....hope the appreciate it all?
Great collage all looks so interesting!
They are so lucky to have such a fabulous historic place to study....hope the appreciate it all?
Great collage all looks so interesting!