A Bit of a Teaser by kannafoot

A Bit of a Teaser

I was a bit pressed for time today, so I went out Rte 104 into North Smithfield for a shot of this barn. I've had my eye on it for a while, although when I got it home and started processing the photo, it didn't work as expected. I called this "A Bit of a Teaser" because I now see about a half dozen potential shots from this pot, so you'll see a lot more of this barn in all its glory over the coming months. There are some interesting murals painted on the doors that will be featured, and both the front of the barn and the side of the barn are quite interesting. They just don't look good in color when photographed together, it turns out.

I went though a number of different post processing options before settling on this one. As you can see, a sandstone texture was added to the background, primarily because it gives the image a frost-like impression. It was only 16 degrees this morning, so I wanted a cold-looking image. The same for the dark blue filter - although I did adjust the hue to make it more of a Prussian Blue. I ran the first layer through Topaz Adjust and used a photo pop filter to bring out color and contrast. A black and white gradient layer removed color, and the rest was done with the aforementioned filter and some levels adjustments.
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