One Foggy Christmas Eve
24 December 2014 -- 358/365
East Providence, Rhode Island
There's no chance of a white Christmas here in southern New England, this year. It will be cold, foggy, and raining, though. What you see in today's photo is pretty much what we'll get for the next couple of days. I wanted to find a location that showed it well, and on my way home I remembered this spot at the far end of Bold Point. The stacks of the power plant in Providence get lost in the fog, and that's precisely what I was hoping to capture. Of course, now I can't get "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" out of my head, but that's a different story. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Post processing started out with a neutral filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, boost white, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.