Roger Williams by kannafoot

Roger Williams

Following a series of disputes with leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams - a Baptist living in a community run by Puritans - was due to be transported back to England to stand trial for treason. Rather than endure what would likely be a death sentence, he escaped southwards along the coast and, with the cooperation of the Narragansett and Wampanoag Indian Tribes, established a settlement that would become the city of Providence. A monument to the state's founder sits atop Prospect Hill overlooking the city that grew out of his tiny refuge. In 1936, on the 300th anniversary of the founding of Providence, his remains were relocated to a tomb at the base of this statue.

I went through a half-dozen different post-processing techniques before settling on this one. Two layers - a spicify layer to draw out color and a clarity layer to accent the detail in the granite - were stacked with a darken color blend mode. The marble was then masked to leave just the clarity layer on the statue and the monument. Those two layers were then merged and sharpening was done with a high pass filter in soft light blend mode. Saturation in the sky was reduced significantly to counter an extremely bright blue effect from the spicify filter. A levels adjustment darkened the background a bit.
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