Mini Skyline by kannafoot

Mini Skyline

Yesterday we saw a wide-angle view of this scene along the Barrington River. Today I thought I'd return to the same spot and shoot a much tighter shot to showcase the marina against what passes for a skyline in Warren. For those that were asking yesterday about teleconverters, this shot was taken using a 2x teleconverter. The lens was set at 185mm, so this was an effective handheld shot at 370mm. (The lens has image stabilization.)

There's a bit of a head slapper regarding exposure yesterday and today. Both shots were in manual mode. Now, there's an old exposure rule of thumb known as the "Sunny Sixteen" rule. Under bright sun, with the aperture set to f/16, the proper exposure is 1/ISO. So if you're ISO is set to 100, the proper f/16 exposure is 1/100th second. While shooting yesterday, I could not for the life of me figure out why I was constantly overexposed. I kept adjusting and adjusting until I got the right exposure, but it wasn't making any sense. Today I was having the same issue until I noticed that my ISO was set to 200... Funny how a single stop in ISO can make such a difference, isn't it? Yep, that's a head slapper.

For post processing today I applied a photo pop filter in Topaz Adjust. This was primarily to counter the atmospheric haze effect from shooting across a wide river on a hot day. I then adjusted the levels slightly. I applied a blue photo filter just to the sky to improve the contrast between clouds and sky. The actual sky, thanks to the heat, was pretty washed out, and I really wanted it bluer than nature seemed to want it.
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