Defying Gravity
17 February 2014 -- 48/365
Smithfield, Rhode Island
I really wasn't sure what I wanted to present today, but my general plan was to head out Stillwater Road and see if there was anything interesting at the dam or at the Smith Appleby House. I haven't been to either since last spring. On the way, I spotted this ruin. It was featured in my project almost two years ago, yet it's still standing. It survived the Blizzard of 2013, Hurricane Irene, and all the snow we've gotten to date this winter. I just don't understand how. There's absolutely nothing supporting that roof on the left, and with the exposure to the elements its seen for at least the last half-decade, I can't believe the interior wood is in any great shape. Defying gravity is the only thing that comes to mind.
Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.