Track Maintenance
19 August 2014 -- 231/365
Cumberland, Rhode Island
I returned to the Blackstone River Bikeway near the Ashton Mills today, again hoping I'd time it to coincide with the passage of the P&W Railroad freight train. Hearing some activity on the track and seeing a large plume of dust obscuring some headlights in the distance increased my hope that my timing was right today. Almost, but not quite. What emerged from the dust was the vehicle you see in the photo. The blades on the front were being used to grade the gravel between and alongside the tracks. It does make an interesting photo, although I'm still questing for that elusive - seemingly mythical - train. Obviously, with this apparatus on the track, no train would be passing by anytime soon.
Post processing started with a neutral filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, and boost white. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.