So we are ready for the meal but would like either a pinch of Pepper, Salt or Mustard. Here is a collection of table condiment containers, mostly pepperettes and mustard containers. In these days you took a pinch of salt out of a little bowl.
L to R.
Pepperette (Chester) 1917
Pepperette (Birmingham) 1920
Mustard Pot (Birmingham) 1914
Mustard Pot (Birmingham) 1897
Pepperette (Birmingham) 1918
Pepperette (Sheffield) 1907
So what next decorated the Victorian and Edwardian tables, must look out for Sugar Shifters for those lovely puddings. Wouldn't the tables in Downton Abbey look fantastic.
Ah yes...when dining was a prolonged family event. No throwing a Big Mac down your throat and dashing off. Wonderful collection. Don't mix up those tags. :)