I'm back to adding songs to my picture and trying to get the tune stuck in your head for the day. Who remembers Danny Kaye and his song about the ugly duckling. Sorry to say I've been singing it all afternoon.
There were to cygnet swimming on a local lake and they both came right over to me hoping that I had some bread. Sorry to say I only had my camera handy. This one has gone from it's ugly duckling stage and is more of a stroppy teenager in swan years, I love the various colours on the plumage.
I've actually gone from a beautiful swan to an ugly pensioner, my plumage has also gone in reverse and returned to that dull grey coating on top and the body structure is wrinkly all over.
I think this is the first time I've seen the image of a teenaged Swan...and thank you for the trip back down memory lane. Had to view you tube to recall it and now you, very achieved your goal. I have quacks and waddled ring in my head. Lol
Thank you all for you nice comments and FAV, the cygnet is safe from me as it won't fit in my oven (Wink),