I ended up with a bunch of ideas for this challenge, including the car flying through the air, and crashing into police cars, but decided that wasn't really me, so I decided on a sedate 'portrait' instead.
If WWYD is about challenging myself & trying new techniques, I am contented, but I am still not sure if I really got the final edit I was looking for! :D Either way, I've had some fun playing with the processing.
I was so touched by your message for the end of my 365 project. Lyn. I feel honored to receive such fine words from someone I totally respect as both photographer and editor! Everything you said to me, I could easily say back to you. Thanks so much for being a part of the whole 365 venture... it was so much richer for your presence. I'm going to take a bit of time off... I sincerely don't know how long... may be back within a few days! You will be three hours away from me when in Venice... why don't you give me a call? Have you ever been to Como? amyspadacini at hotmail.com