I had tossed the little gourds from last Fall's holiday decorations into a pot on my deck last week. They'd remained a part of the table decorations through the winter and all the way pu to last month. But come Spring they were beginning to show signs of age so out of the house they went. Mr. Chips didn't mind though. He's been pulling the gourds out of the planter and feasting on them every day.
@lynnz Thank you Lynn! @skipt07 Thank you Skip and thanks for the fav! @redy4et Thank you Elizabeth and thank you for the fav too! @cruiser Thank you Chris!
Wow!! A massive thank you to one and all for the views, comments and favs and for landing him on the PP. You sure made me smile!
@skipt07 Thank you Skip and thanks for the fav!
@redy4et Thank you Elizabeth and thank you for the fav too!
@cruiser Thank you Chris!