I'm doing my own little variation of Annie D's 30 shot challenge. I just wasn't up for 30 shots of the same thing- so I decided to do 30 shots of the similar things- kitchen items in the kitchen.
These salt and pepper shakers were originally my grandmother's. I keep them on my kitchen counter and use them when I'm cooking. They're really handy!
@vignouse was clever and is doing 30 shots of his glass cabinet - photographing a different item every day. I just don't have it in me to do 30 days - I about died doing February.
Thank you so much everyone- I'm overwhelmed by how much you like this! Thank you for putting it on both the trending and popular pages. I am so thankful for the support I get here- it's the best photo community I know of!!
@annied Thanks Annie- and I really appreciate that too!
(Chaenomeles is a bush .+/- 7 feet at the most.)
Thank you so much everyone- I'm overwhelmed by how much you like this! Thank you for putting it on both the trending and popular pages. I am so thankful for the support I get here- it's the best photo community I know of!!
@annied Thanks Annie- and I really appreciate that too!
Thank you Mallory!
Thank you Paul! And thank you so much for the fav!