Here's the answer to yesterday's blue puzzle. Many of you got it right and some were soooo close! I took the picture through the bottom towards the top aimed at the window for the maximum use of light. But in this shot the light was an overpowering back drop, so I doctored it in Picmonkey using an old texture I'd saved from Picnik. Thanks for playing my little game!
@filsie65 I saw a post on how to do it just before Picnik closed, so I went into their textures and just saved like crazy! I wish I could have done that with one or two of the effects too, but hopefully Picmonkey will eventually have something similar.
Thank you Davide, Pam (thanks for the fav!!), Terry, Dione, NIcole, Vikki (don't worry about missing things- I am missing a ton!), and Bev!