Remember how they used to have cartoons where a song would play and the lyrics would run along the bottom. They had a little ball that would bounce along the words so you'd know when to sing them. Jeff was throwing the little light up in the air and trying to catch it, but it was just bouncing everywhere- reminding me of those old cartoons so long ago.
@gq Thanks Photogq- Light-writing is a blast and there are so many different ways to do it. And you never know exactly what to expect!
@littleconnie Thanks Connie! @maggiemae Thanks Maggie! Oh, now that would be a fun way to play the piano if you never took lessons. @taffy Thanks Taffy! @haskar Thank you Haskar! @mandygravil Thank you Mandy! LOL I will have to tell Jeff that you thought he was a bright straw in a cocktail glass. He'll get a kick out of that!
What an awesome image, Ann. I like the silhouettes at the very top of the image that I am guessing are coming from trees. I like the way Jeff looks as if he is in miniature for this photo too. Last of all I like the memory of follow the bouncing ball!
@grammyn Thank you Katy! We were all laughing quite a bit while he did this. He'd throw it up so high that when it came down it blinded him and he couldn't catch it! But it did give me some creative effects.
@littleconnie Thanks Connie!
@maggiemae Thanks Maggie! Oh, now that would be a fun way to play the piano if you never took lessons.
@taffy Thanks Taffy!
@haskar Thank you Haskar!
@mandygravil Thank you Mandy! LOL I will have to tell Jeff that you thought he was a bright straw in a cocktail glass. He'll get a kick out of that!
@kerristephens Thanks Kerri!
@robz Thanks Rob!