2016 01 02 Arch by pamknowler

2016 01 02 Arch

A dark dull morning and then rain so no photos on today's walk. This is from my first outing with the fisheye lens. This arch feature was at the garden centre.

Many thanks for you great comments and Favs on yesterday's shots which both appeared on PP. Very much appreciated.
Love this, Pam. Love the sun flare, too. Fav!
January 2nd, 2016  
Love this capture!
January 2nd, 2016  
Great shot
January 2nd, 2016  
love the effect Pam - Fav
January 2nd, 2016  
Great shot!
January 2nd, 2016  
Beautiful use of fisheye!
January 2nd, 2016  
I love the light flare, a very effective fisheye image :)
January 2nd, 2016  
Love the burst of light
January 2nd, 2016  
great effect and a fav
January 3rd, 2016  
great capture
January 3rd, 2016  
You are really inspiring
January 3rd, 2016  
Love the pov, framing, and sunburst in this. You are obviously making great use of your new lens.
January 3rd, 2016  
Neat look with the fish-eye lens - good choice of where to use it.
January 3rd, 2016  
Looks like you're having a ball with your new toy Pam. I really like this shot, very appealing to my eye. Great sun-flare too. Fav.
January 3rd, 2016  
You are going to have fun with this. The flare is a great one, and this reminds me of the rotunda in Krakow that I took with a fisheye. You're finding good things to use it for! [awful grammar...too lazy to reword]
January 3rd, 2016  
So much to love about this image! Fav!
January 3rd, 2016  
Love the effect!
January 3rd, 2016  
such an interesting effect Pam, I hope you have fun with it.
January 3rd, 2016  
Nice fish eye - and framing!
January 3rd, 2016  
Very effective.
January 3rd, 2016  
More "fish eye" fun! The sun flare is a bonus... nicely done.
January 3rd, 2016  
Very cool! And so well composed! Love it
January 4th, 2016  
I like that sunflare! This fish eye looks so fun, I'm wondering if I should put it on my birthday list...
January 4th, 2016  
What fun! Your use of that fisheye to create the feeling of being surrounded if you were to walk into that space is wonderful, and the snuffler is a great addition. Which lens do you have?
January 6th, 2016  
@jyokota Thanks Junko my fisheye lens is the Canon 8-15mm which I am loving. It is rather difficult to find good subjects not living in an urban area. I hope I have got to grips with it by May!! Taffy says there are lots of places for the fisheye!! My WA lens is the Canon 17-40mm which seems ok but I cannot make up my mind whether I need the super WA lens like you have.
January 6th, 2016  
@pamknowler Oh, I covet that 8-15 ! I was so generously given the super-wide for my birthday last year and I didn't even know it existed. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! It's absolutely fun to play with, and I still have mixed success with it but the ones that work out are fabulous!
January 6th, 2016  
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