Little Tokyo Photog by pasadenarose

Little Tokyo Photog

Today I was torn. It was difficult to decide what to post today. I shot a couple other subjects that were technically much better, but this guy won out.

It's a horrible shot, taken through the dirty windshield as the light turned green. Snap and gas it. But he warmed my heart.
I've seen photographers throughout downtown over the years and always thought they were a bit nuts.
"Do you REALLY have to be in the middle of the street to take that picture? C'mon, REALLY???"
Frankly, they bugged me, holding up traffic, risking life and limb, so they could take some stupid picture. LOL

Well, now I'm a bit more understanding. Yes, sometimes you DO have to stand in the middle of the street to get just the right composition and POV. I get it now.

While this guy wasn't standing in the street, I had to try to catch a quick shot because I was impressed by his slew of cameras. Not impressed as in "Wow, that's a cool lens!", because I really have no idea what kind of gear he was carrying. It was the fact that he had THREE cameras slung around his neck and shoulders, all of them with huge freakin' lenses. He'd snap a few shots with one, slide it out of the way and grab another camera and shoot some more. You can see the lens of the 3rd camera peeking out at his left side.

And that vest. Well, that's what sealed the deal.

Funny, before 365 I wouldn't have glanced twice at this man....unless he was shooting from the middle of the street.

Nice image. Not sure about the standing in the road, though!
October 20th, 2012  
Glad to see you understand now.

Oh, and I have a vest like that too.
October 21st, 2012  
Actually, I have a vest like that, but I got it for hiking. I may have to re-purpose it. LOL
October 21st, 2012  
Nice shot but needed to be done through a clean windshield. It seems to be missing something but cannot put my finger on it. Maybe it is just clarity that it needs. Try working with brightness settings in Picasa or where you put your photos. Totally stop when you take photos and roll down your window or clean your windshield as I keep ours clean and get great and some not so great but better when it is clean. Thinking and typing.
October 22nd, 2012  
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