Friday Afternoon in the Library by taffy

Friday Afternoon in the Library

From my photowalk with Andie and Junko -- we were all lined up with our tripods trying to capture this amazing library which led into a chapel beyond. The floor was so shiny it reflected all the lights -- both ceiling bulbs and the sun streaming in from the side.
Here's Junko's shot, in color and from the other end:
And Andie's capture of one of the study nooks:
@jyokota and @ukandie1 -- let me know when you post and I'll link. Fun afternoon!!!
February 13th, 2016  
Great lines, repetition and reflections. It's quite an imposing space. I like the black and white, allows your eye to follow the lines through to the door in the background without distraction.
February 13th, 2016  
That floor is mesmerizing
February 13th, 2016  
Shinalicious! Love the clarity and crisp focus. Fav
February 13th, 2016  
What an extraordinary library. So much floor-space, so little shelf-space. The alcove look very like carrels, is this library for post-grads? Love the shot, it all looks so polished and shiny - and noisy if filled with students. The arches and low-hanging lights are gorgeously old-fashioned. Fascinating image.
February 13th, 2016  
What a beautiful library! Such a shiny floor reflecting the lights. Great capture! A very imposing place! Fav
February 13th, 2016  
Spectacular reflections, it's looks like water in the middle of the photo. Brilliant shot, love the captivating floor. Your b&w photos are aw inspiring. Fav!
February 13th, 2016  
This is the ultimate in B&W subjects - pure DOF and a shimmering look! fav
February 13th, 2016  
February 13th, 2016  
Its so quiet! Perfect for showing off all the reflections.
February 13th, 2016  
That's a highly polished floor! Where are all the people? Was the library closed?
February 13th, 2016  
So peaceful and what great reflections.
February 13th, 2016  
What a privilege to be able to photograph here... and you made the most of it.
February 13th, 2016  
February 13th, 2016  
February 13th, 2016  
Wonderful shot love the symmetry
February 13th, 2016  
Your architectural shots are just stunning including thisone
February 13th, 2016  
Love the symmetry. A very impressive building. I don't think I have ever seen a floor so shiny. Somebody has put a lot of work into polishing it.
February 13th, 2016  
What a fabulous b&w. Great subject and symmetry. Love your processing and choice of viewpoint. Stunning. Fav.
February 13th, 2016  
Amazing reflections and I love the symmetry :)
February 13th, 2016  
Fav. Wonderful shot, great reflections and dof.
February 13th, 2016  
Love your processing! I just posted mine, looking the opposite direction, and in color for some variety. Fun walk -- glad I decided to go.
February 13th, 2016  
With the pattern and all the reflections that floor could make me a little dizzy. It looks like an amazing space.
February 13th, 2016  
Excellent B&W shot of a beautiful looking library.
February 13th, 2016  
Amazing Taffy. Fav.
February 13th, 2016  
Love this b/w shot, symmetry, lines, depth
February 13th, 2016  
Lovely lines and light reflections!
February 13th, 2016  
Lovely reflections and pov, nice processing
February 13th, 2016  
Love that floor and your finish shows it nice and slick - almost wet
February 13th, 2016  
The floor is so shiny! Great black and white!
February 13th, 2016  
What a beautiful building, and full marks to the caretakers!
February 13th, 2016  
Fabulous capture and reflection
February 13th, 2016  
A super capture and great reflections. Fav!! 😃
February 13th, 2016  
Wonderful Symmetry. Fav.
February 13th, 2016  
Beautiful in B&W, Taffy!
February 13th, 2016  
A lovely space so nicely captured.
February 13th, 2016  
Wonderful shot
February 13th, 2016  
That floor is amazing and I love the symmetry
February 13th, 2016  
I thing the light reflections on the floor give it a feeling of depth
February 13th, 2016  
Such a classic! Beautiful and elegant. I get a feeling though it is tilted a bit towards the left side.
February 13th, 2016  
Ooh this is wonderful Taffy. With that floor it simply has to be b&w. Love the symmetry and the reflections on the floor.
February 13th, 2016  
Love the mesmerizing effect of the floor as it disappears into the distance. None of my shots had that.
February 13th, 2016  
Awesome light and reflections. With the checkered floor, it almost looks like an Escher painting!
February 14th, 2016  
Oh, and fav, duh!
February 14th, 2016  
Amazing shot. A big fave :)
February 14th, 2016  
Wonderful image. Love it in black and white.
February 14th, 2016  
@ukandie1 Thanks! This is where my 14mm comes in so handy. It was a superwide capture and then I did a perspective adjustment in LR.
February 14th, 2016  
Lovely clean shot.
February 14th, 2016  
The cool look of the floor is wonderful. There is a name for the effect but my senile mind cannot retrieve it right now and too lazy to google.
February 14th, 2016  
Great lines and repetitions! Beautiful shot :)
February 14th, 2016  
Awesome picture. Congratulations on making the Trending Page. Well deserved.
February 15th, 2016  
Gorgeous symmetry and clarity
February 15th, 2016  
Awesome shot- it feels like a story of great imagination is about to happen.
February 15th, 2016  
Beautiful image!
February 16th, 2016  
And, so empty! Where is everybody? Beautiful shiny floor with great reflections. Well composed! Another successful image!
February 21st, 2016  
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