Second Bedroom Of Doom by taiwandaily

Second Bedroom Of Doom

Since I didn't want to break in to anybody's home, the only pictures I could get of the back rooms in these UFO style houses, were from partially destroyed ones. Then again, the partially destroyed ones actually seem more interesting.

On the left is the second bedroom. basically a small plastic bed frame that is angled at the end. Where does one get a special mattress to fit that? There is a desk and drawers to the side of that. to the right of the photo is the bathroom, but a better picture of that will be tomorrow's photo.

Also if you are just tuning in, I should let you know that the reason these houses are run down like this is not because of any disaster or the owners have no money or anything like that. so no need to feel bad. the ones that are in this state are just because lack of interest and usage by the owners.

In fact even in these states the homes and land are worth a lot of money, and the ones that are still standing are ones that have held off selling. So for some reason the owners would rather have them falling apart than sell them and make a lot.
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