TV For Dogs by taiwandaily

TV For Dogs

My dog loves to look out the window. She can look out the window for hours. i think it's half because she loves laying in the sun and half because she just loves watching what's going on outside.

This was first noticed the first time we moved. That apartment had a tiny window box that she would sit in most of the morning and afternoon, basking in the sun. It also had a small view of the park next to the apartment and she could see people walk back and forth through her narrow view.

The new apartment doesn't have such a window box, but it does have a large window. Knowing that she loves to look out the window, i put the table in front of the window so she can sit on it and enjoy the view. granted this kind of ruins the living room a bit, especially making part of the sofa inaccessible. Oh well i sacrifice my living room's 風水 so that she can be happy and occupied.

The view from this apartment is on a busy street so she can see a lot of cars and people going by. Sometimes she will get really intrigued by something but i have no idea what it is. And if she thinks somebody is coming over to visit her, she will look out the window for them. At times she can be a little Rear Window-y. There is a bus stop across the street and when I'm waiting for the bus it's a bit creepy to see her in the window just looking out.

Unfortunately for her, because of the buildings across the street, the sun doesn't come through at an angle that she can sunbathe. Also when it gets dark outside and I need to turn on the light to study, I move the table out to the middle of the room so it's under the light. But I've told her that if she gets a job she can have her own table, or even get an apartment with a better view and more sunlight coming in. So far i have yet to catch her looking at the want ads.
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