Telling Their Own Story by taiwandaily

Telling Their Own Story

I didn't want to leave the story of the new park on a sour note. Instead here is a picture of the layout of the Hakka Cultural Park. As you can see there are some buildings as well. These include a museum, education center, and a cafeteria. Hakka food is actually quite tasty. I wish it were more prevalent in Taipei.

It's great to see that they are getting their chance to tell their history and culture and a venue to do that. For even though they are the second largest ethnic group in Taiwan, they are almost criminally underrepresented.

Unfortunately on this day I didn't have much time to explore all the info and exhibits. also pictured in yesterday's post is an outside exhibit that displays and provides information about their farming culture. I'm curious to know more about this because i've always thought about one day many years from now just settling down in the countryside and having a small farm.

But don't go thinking that i'm so quaint. it's mainly because there is a surplus of rice in taiwan, so the government pays farmers to not grow rice every other year.
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