Now They Have Two by taiwandaily

Now They Have Two

No great story today, just something that made me laugh. Near my house is a store which lamps. Well you can see what it is in the picture above. Every time I walk by I smile cause it seems quite old and it seems like something they some how got but could never sell.

Smartly they put it outside of their store, to make them stand out. Then again I have no idea what the store actually sells, cause I figure any store that has a huge horse lamp in front, is a store that doesn't sell anything I'm looking for.

Anyway, my thought that it was all a big mistake that they had one, was proven wrong. Cause one evening walking by, I saw they have another one. So either these things actually sell, or the inmates are running the asylum. But I do think that one of them is the same one that has been there for years.

I wonder if these things do sell, and who would buy them. Taiwanese apartments and even houses don't have enough space for one of these. And on the whole Taiwanese aren't as in love with horses as Americans are.

Which I guess can mean only one thing.....drug mules?
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