A Tiger In Autumn by taiwandaily

A Tiger In Autumn

Is a chinese phrase that means a few days in the fall when the weather is abnormally warm. Here in Taiwan since it is pretty warm year round, about a week or so ago we had a stretch of time where it cooled off drastically for a few days, before going back to being hot.

Now it has gone down to being a bit cooler. Low 80s and high 70s. Generally this will be the temperature for the rest of the calender year. Then in January, February and the beginning of March it will dip to the 60s.

So basically warm weather year round. In fact that's one reason why I chose to come to Taiwan. I figured if I had the good fortune of being able to choose where to live, I'd like it to be some place where it's warm year round. For me it's nice just wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket in the winter. Granted at that time most Taiwanese are bundled up as though it's below zero.

The cooler weather has caused the reemergence of a common fashion trend in taiwan...the Kriss Kross. When people ride scooters they were usually wear a windbreaker or light jacket...backwards (as seen in the photo). Yep in the Taiwanese view, wearing it backwards better protects you from the wind. Apparently zippers and buttons don't protect you from the wind, so jackets must be warn backwards.

Actually it's not so strange, as the culture here is just to do things without much thought to it. Because chinese culture has such a long history, there are many things that people do today without having any idea why or any evidence or research to back up that it's effective. They just accept it as a tradition to follow. So they easily accept new traditions that come along, and don't require any evidence or proof.

Which most people here probably look on as a good thing as it takes the "burden of choice/freedom" away from them. But of course I look on as a very dangerous mindset to have. Especially in this case where the lack of mobility caused from wearing a jack backwards and it's inability to stay on, both seem like huge dangers when operating a moving vehicle.
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