Speaking Of Bathrooms... by taiwandaily

Speaking Of Bathrooms...

One great thing about that museum I stumbled across, is that it has things about Taiwan's history. Most museums here are about China's history, but few are specifically about Taiwan's history, especially it's more recent history.

One interesting thing I stumbled across was this surprising info. It's about how back in 1996 there was a protest for bathroom parity. Yes the guys got sick of having a nasty bathrooms, so they prot.....oh hey wait, that's not it.

In fact it's about how women protested because they don't have as many toilets in their bathrooms. Their complaint was that while both men and women's public bathrooms both have the same number of toilets, men have a few urinals as well. In their opinion this caused the lines for women's toilets get pretty long, while they are short for men.

I couldn't find much info about this online, other than about the protest itself. My guess is that it didn't do anything since this is the way that most public toilets still are now. Although several subway stations are redoing their bathrooms recently, I should check if they are changing them to have the same the number of toilets in the women's bathroom, equal to total of toilets and urinals in the men's bathrooms.

But i don't know if that really makes things fair. Of course women should have many more toilets, but if we are making the total number the same, than that would mean fewer urinals. That seems to just want to make the length of lines the same, and not necessarily make women's lines shorter. Granted as a male, my view is obviously slanted.

Anyway the whole reason I bring this up is because another interesting thing came up about bathrooms recently. A few months ago the environmental minister came out and tried to encourage men to sit down when they pee. Obviously the reason is that it would cut back on pee on the seats and stuff, but i don't really know where this is for.

What I mean is all public restrooms are gender separated. and even most restaurant bathrooms are separated by gender, or rather they have one that is both and one that is just for women. On top of that most bathrooms have a urinal in them even if it's only a tiny restaurant. Not to mention that many toilets here are "squat" toilets meaning you don't actually sit on anything.

All that being said, most urinals in Taiwan always seem to have a small flood of urine beneath them. I'm always curious about how this even happens. Urine elves who only come out at night?
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