My Conversation Piece by taiwandaily

My Conversation Piece

I mentioned that one of the surprising exhibits at the museum was some of Taiwan's natural stones. The "Wen Stone" is quite popular, and some people will have this marble looking stone in their homes. But I don't really care for this because it's just slab of stone as they took it out the ground. I was more impressed with the beautiful vase made out of wen stone, but it's not often to see it molded into shapes. Either it's too difficult or there are no longer an stone artisans left in Taiwan who can do it.

However I was forced to swallow my distaste for having a stone in your home when I saw this piece of aragonite. It's pretty awesome, mainly because it makes no sense. And to be honest something about the pattern makes me a little queasy. How can you bust open a rock and find that design inside!? Ridiculous!

But of all the museums I have been to in Taiwan, this is the thing I most want to steal and have in my house. Granted a big part of that is because most other things are extremely valuable and I'd be selling them rather than putting them on my shelf as a conversation starter.
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