Time Bandit by taiwandaily

Time Bandit

One reason I have to spend so much time studying each day is because I'm always being distracted by the picture above. While sitting at the table studying, my dog likes to bring up her toys and try to entice me to play with her.

She has a few toys, but the tennis ball is the worst. If i don't start to play with her, she will drop it continually at my feet. As if to let the loud bounce of the ball echo the disappointment in her heart.

She enjoys having people to throw her toys, then she will chase after them. She prefers if they are thrown up onto something (like a sofa or bed) so she can jump onto and retrieve the toy. She also likes to try and catch things out of the air, but most of her toys are too big for her mouth to do this successfully. Recently she enjoys playing a goalie of sorts as somebody tries to roll the tennis ball by her.

As happy as all of it makes her, it can be a bit annoying when you are trying to concentrate on something. Although it is better than her other attention grabbing move of sitting on your lap as you study. Sounds sweet, but she holds your hands hostage.
Nice photo, getting the poor pity in the eyes 'won't you play now?'. Most dogs have a way of getting your attention. My brothers dog when he visits picks up the ball and pushes it into your leg to get your attention, then runs for the backyard as if playing 'your it'
January 7th, 2013  
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