Pretty Porta Potty by taiwandaily

Pretty Porta Potty

For the past few weeks it's been cool, windy, and rainy. This coupled with the fact that inside my apartment is freezing, means that my dog doesn't get out to the big park to run around much. I don't want her to get so wet and then come back to a cold apartment and get sick.

This of course means that she is a JOY to have at home. Her boundless energy has to go somewhere, so she has decided that means i have to play with her almost all day long. Lucky me...

So yesterday was the first sunny day in a long while and pretty warm. I jumped at this opportunity to take her out and hopefully use up a lot of her energy. We took a long walk along the the riverside and she seemed quite happy to be out for a long time. Best of all when we got back home, she was dead tired and was lying down without moving.

Granted that didn't last long enough, and today she seems to have even more energy than usual. Yay...

Anyway while out we came across these beautiful portable toilets. They were actually quite nice, and clean without any smell. They have different kinds, some with urinals, some with squat toilets, and some with normal toilets. My dog also seemed to really like them, going in and out of each one to inspect their quality with her own eyes.
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