Red Letter Day by taiwandaily

Red Letter Day

It may not look like it, but what you see in this picture is something almost as rare as Halley's comet. It's me eating steak. I haven't had steak in 20 years. Well i have had steak as I will usually try a piece when out with friends and they order it, but this was the first time I have ordered it for myself in two decades.

The reason being that I don't like steak. I can't really get what is good about it. I know that people rave about it, but my mind nor my taste buds can't seem to grasp the concept. That's not to say that I don't like other kinds of beef, but i'm just not a steak guy.

Perhaps it's just because I'm such a die hard pig fan. I always say that pig is my favorite animal because they taste so good. If other animals went extinct, it would be a loss, but if there were no more pigs, I would be devastated.

I got this steak at lunch for my friend's birthday. Since she chose a place neither of us had been to, I decided to go ahead and order something I would never usually order. It was ok, but nothing to make me want to ever have steak again. I guess that's the worst thing about steak is that it's not like i hate it, it's just that it's never good to me.

Well that's not entirely true. Once in my life I had good steak. It was at my eldest brother's wedding's rehearsal dinner. It was from some catering service and that steak was delectable. it just melt in your mouth like it was butter.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to commemorate this great memory by eating a pork chop...with bacon...and ham...I LOVE YOU PIGS!
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