Hibernation by taiwandaily


Today is Chinese New Year Eve. For Taiwanese that means they have the next week off for the holiday, and that most of their time will be spent having big meals, visiting family members, and cleaning their homes.

For foreigners it means that every restaurant and shop is closed for the next few days. Meaning each year I go to Costco to get some supplies to make it through the holiday. It's less of a fun eating time and more like stocking up for the end of the world as I try to get foods that can be stored for awhile and are hefty enough that I can get full easily.

This year's survival foods are Frosted Flakes, and scones from the Costco bakery. I'm not really a fan of Frosted Flakes, but they are the largest size of cereal available. As for the scones i went around comparing the weight of their baked goods and it was the second heaviest food. The first being the muffins, but I always get those, so i wanted a break this time.

I'll have more on CNY these next few days, but for now it's time for my scone lunch.
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