Valentine's Day by taiwandaily

Valentine's Day

Went to Gordon Biersch for Valentine's Day with two friends. I'd actually never heard of this place until I was in Taiwan, but while here it has become my go to American chain restaurant. There is also Chili's, TGI Friday's, Swensen's, and there is another I think I am forgetting. There also used to be a Sizzler here, for which I apologize to the Taiwanese people for.

TGI Friday's is god awful here. Apparently about five years ago they changed their ingredients to lower quality and since then their food is garbage. Swensen's food is also pretty terrible, but their milkshakes are heavenly. Chili's is not bad, one of my preferred chains when back in the states and I feel like subjecting myself to that kind of food. However every time I eat it here, I leave feeling sick.

So I guess Gorden Biersch wins by default. But the real reason is the thing you see above, their pulled pork sandwich. It's delectable, but being on a student's budget and it being over 12 bucks, I rarely go anymore. This was actually the first time i'd had it in over two a year and a half. Which is a shame cause back when i was working full time I was at Gordon Biersch at least once a week.

Oh well, my tummy may hate me, but hopefully I'll come out of all this finally able to speak Chinese.
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