A Taiwanese Pub by taiwandaily

A Taiwanese Pub

Well, of sorts. This is a common establishment that you will find in the more residential areas of the city. It's a place where coworkers and friends can get together after a long day at work and just relax. They are usually open from evening on through to around midnight.

The decor is quite sparse and you may notice that the tables and chairs are all very low. The food which is hot pot and other foods (some "specialize" in duck) is as tasty as the decor. Meaning, not at all. In fact the logo for a chain of these is a big crow...which I only recently was told it's actually supposed to be a duck. But I think that the crow is fitting, since that's what their "duck" tastes like.

The big attraction is the alcohol, and it's mainly used as a place for people to meet and drink together. So the people coming out of here will be stumbling their way home. But that also means that these places are very lively and loud. Which causes a lot of Taiwanese avoid this kind of place.

That is the fascinating thing, that only a certain type of people go here. You won't find any people who feel they are "high class" going here. I can only think to equate it to having the same sort of clientele as those who go to dive bars (un-ironically) back in the states. Passing by it's almost like being in a time machine looking in on Taiwan's past. A past that most Taiwanese seem eager to move away from.
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