Poor Man's Game by taiwandaily

Poor Man's Game

Something I really enjoy but don't do enough of, is go to the driving range. I'm not very good at it, but thankfully with a bucket of balls you get a lot of practice. A few times i'll hit it fairly well and feel a great sense of accomplishment.

The main reason I don't do it enough is because most driving ranges are out of the way. On my biking adventures I found two that were not so far from my house, so yesterday some friends and I decided to go check them out.

Pictured above is the much cheaper yet nicer one. The expensive one, which is right next to this one, actually looked much worse. Regardless, it was also the one with the expensive cars out front. Needless to say we chose the less expensive one.

Perhaps the reason the wealthier people didn't want to use this one is because it had a program for little children to learn and practice golf. Well you learn something every day. Today's lesson, wealthy people don't like kids.

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