Confucius Says....Groan by taiwandaily

Confucius Says....Groan

It's hard to find something that all Taiwanese agree on. One thing that does seem to be unanimous for anybody under 40, is their dislike of Confucius.

A guilty pleasure of mine is to say "As Confucius said,....." This can make any Taiwanese person's eyes roll. It's not that they outright hate the guy, but it's more that they hated learning about him in school.

It's also a case where his myth greatly surpasses the reality. The truth of who he was, the things he did, and what he said, is only about 10% of the common myth about him. So a lot of Taiwanese can understandably get annoyed when ignorant foreigners like myself prop up Confucius as some superhero. Granted that only entices me more to credit him with every idiom ever.

I can get where they are coming from though. I feel the same way whenever I hear some over exaggeration by a Taiwanese about a western historical figure. For example did you know the George Washington once flew around the Earth backwards to reverse time so he could say Loi....i mean Martha.
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