Ice Cream Surprise And Letdown by taiwandaily

Ice Cream Surprise And Letdown

You'll have to forgive me for so much talk about ice cream recently, but it's summer and i need my medicine!

Way back when I went on a vacation to Japan, a small part of my trip was spent saying "oh wow, they have that here!" for each various american ice cream brand shop I came across. Come to think of it, since Japan has so many american brands and restaurants that I miss from back home, it seems to make more sense to just fly to japan to eat my heart out then to go all the way back to the states.

Anyway, when I got back from my Japan trip, a friend kidnapped me and took me to the middle of nowhere. It was someplace in Taipei county that I had never been before, but with nothing else around, it could have been the moon. Eventually we got off at a huge shopping mall, and my friend took me downstairs to show me the Baskin Robbins.

At the time it was the only ice cream shop in Taiwan other than Haagen Daz. It was a nice surprise. Fast forward about six years and Baskin Robbins has a few other locations around the city, there are tons of ice cream shops, and I totally forgot about that shopping mall in the middle of nowhere. That is until I saw online that my favorite ice shop (actually a frozen yoghurt shop) has a location in that mall. Better yet that mall is not so difficult to get from my place, just take a bus and then walk 1km (i told you it was in the middle of nowhere).

So i decided to set out for this mall. I know that it is a huge mall, and I see free shuttle buses for it all over the city, so I decided that I should go to check out what hidden gems it may have there, with the excuse of being able to reward myself with some frozen yoghurt.

Well when I got there the sad thing was that frozen yoghurt place had some horrible flavors that I don't like. However also in the mall was a Haagen Daz, a Coldstone, and the Baskin Robbins. I didn't end up getting any of them as I was too heartbroken by the frozen yoghurt places poor choices, but it wasn't a complete let down as I now know if i ever need to have an ice cream day and just eat myself into a frozen stupor, this is the place to go.
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