Exit 6 by taiwandaily

Exit 6

It's always hard to answer what my favorite movie is. Especially as I get older and I see things in new lights and with more experience behind me. However thanks to Taiwan I know what the worst move I have ever seen is. It's called "Exit 6" and it's about events that take place around what you see above, exit 6 of the Ximen subway station.

I saw this movie many years back at the Taipei film festival. It was the only movie I've ever wanted to walk out on, but my friend did not let me as the director was in the theatre. I'll cut him some slack as he was just a kid and it was his first film. A very cool thing is that most of Taiwan's movies are made by student film makers. It's great that young people are able to express themselves in a society where expression is discouraged. However the set back is that these movies are pretty horrible, and they never get the chance to grow and make better movies as they usually end up quitting and getting "real jobs."

The depressing thing is that Taiwan has a great cinematic legacy. I had a few posts from I believe April 2012 where i talk about Taiwan's big internationally acclaimed film makers. They made great films which were about serious issues, and showed the real and sometimes harsh aspects of life in Taiwan, which is usually covered up by people only focusing on what the ideal Taiwan lifestyle should be.

Yet Taiwanese movies today are basically just extensions of the fantasy TV dramas. Fantasy in that they all perpetuate an idea of a very a cute and innocent Taiwanese life. With the older masters making fewer and fewer films, it seems like the Taiwanese movie industry is in store for some dark days.
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