Quality Marker by taiwandaily

Quality Marker

You may have had tofu before, and you may or may not like it. For me, when I had tofu in America, i thought it was disgusting, but here in Taiwan I both hate it and love it. This is because in Taiwan there are so many different types of making, preparing, cooking, tofu.

The one in the picture above is called "dried tofu" and I like it a lot. However there are various levels of quality of this dish. it can be extremely dry and rubbery (yuck) or it can be a bit soft yet thick tasting (yum).

But dried tofu has a secret superpower. It allows you to judge the quality of a restaurant. This is because you can tell the quality of dried tofu just by looking at it. So if you see a restaurant you are interested in, you can pop in a take a look at the dried tofu. Just a quick glance can tell you a lot about the quality of that restaurant's ingredients and their cooking skill. This method has saved me from some very bad meals.

I apologize for the closeness of the picture, especially since tofu has a second super power of always looking like it's pre-chewed food. Thankfully dried tofu isn't so bad in this regard. But some tofu styles really look like somebody chewed it for awhile and spit it out. To this day, even if it's really tasty, I still have a timid look on my face like i'm eating somebody else's trash.
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