Canon Fodder by taiwandaily

Canon Fodder

I think I just wrote about this a few days ago, but it's worth repeating. I strongly feel that while you can't change others or things that happened, you can change the way you let things affect you. So I always try to look at the benefit from any situation. But more on what I mean later.

I'm a bit scared for the moment. I don't want to get too excited just yet. The weather is cooling off from the 100s to the high 80s. Cool enough to be able to take my dog out for long walks again. But the reason I'm not yet ready to say things will be in the 80s for the rest of the year. I think once i prepare for that, I will be tricked and the weather will jump back up. So right now i'm trying to stay one step ahead in this game of cat and mouse with the weather.

I must admit though I am getting excited to be able to go hiking with my dog again. I can tell she is getting a bit stir crazy from all her time indoors during the summer. So I think we're both hoping the weather will stay down.

As for the picture and my life view? Well I'm always talking about how much i love the 11km hiking trail near my house and how often my dog and I go on it. Which makes my friends want to join me, but usually after about 1km they are done and we need to go back down. The picture is of a friend who was too pooped from the first big climb up that she had to sit down for 20 minutes and then go back to the entrance.

Now a pessimist would look at their friends as being dead weight, but I sir/madam, am not a pessimist. Instead I view these friends as a life preserver.

How so?

Well recently there has been a big rabies outbreak. With every Taiwanese person telling me that every animal in the mountains has rabies so i better be careful when hiking. My dog has a rabies shot so she is ok. But what about me? how will i be protected?

This is where my out of shape friends come in. They are so slow and tired that the rabid animals will attack them, as I quickly dart away.

Cruel you say? Fear not, one of the side trails goes directly to the big hospital nearby. And best of all, from what I hear it's only 7 shots in your stomach, instead of the 20 it used to be. Wow! Ain't life grand!
Don't forget that it's far easier to push a friend downhill than drag them up! As long as they are above the hospital, it's all good. Another hilarious read, thank you.
September 11th, 2013  
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