Hit Wild Cannon by taiwandaily

Hit Wild Cannon

Before I mentioned that there are a large number of sex motels around the city. Since most people live with their families until (or sometimes even after) they are married, couples don't have many chances to be truly alone together. However motels can be expensive. I have one friend who actually rented a very small apartment, because she quite logically explained that even if her boyfriend and her only have sex once a week, it's cheaper to rent a tiny one room apartment, than to use a hotel each time they want to make love.

Because of the price, outdoor sex is a choice that a few couples will make. A few parks are known as special spots that have several dark areas that people can use to do their business. There are also those who make it a sort of competition with other couples, to see if they can do it in a more open area or an area more likely to get caught. I think the current "winner" is a couple who made love in a cemetery. Simply for the fact that most Taiwanese are extremely scared of ghosts and being cursed, so the odds of there being two more people who are will do have sex in a cemetery is probably zero.

The picture is of a condom. Which might make you think that they are everywhere, but honestly I think that this is the first one I've ever seen here. While i have seen plenty of people off in the shadows doing their thing, I guess this means they are very conscientious about cleaning up when done.

As for the title. Well outdoor sex has a special term in Taiwan with the three words essentially translating to "hit/beat wild cannon." Which also illuminates another reason why while in Vietnam a gay Vietnamese man followed my friend and I around after we touched a historical cannon at night. Perhaps it was not only a phallic sign, but also part of the language, since they share some language traits with Chinese.
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