My Thanksgiving Plans by taiwandaily

My Thanksgiving Plans

A question I usually get around this time is what I will do for thanksgiving. They of course will ask if I will have turkey, which always makes me shed a tear cause while there are exceptions, there really isn't any turkey in Taiwan.

So instead of a the traditional thanksgiving foods, I have my own alternative. I go around town getting some of my favorite foods and/or foods that I don't usually get cause they are just too expensive to justify it. I then take these home and will share with friends so they can have some things that perhaps have never had before.

This is what I wanted to do with some pop tarts. Yes it might seem depressing, but really it's a great thing. Not only is a special treat that reminds me of pleasant times back home, but it also is something that none of my friends have ever had so i get to share with them the chance to try something completely new. And trust me after a year of eating the same things over and over, a Pop Tart tastes like a tiny piece of heaven.

Unfortunately they didn't have my favorite flavor (brown sugar cinnamon). And I am not going to serve my friends any second rate flavor. Also I really wanted them to have the brown sugar cinnamon because a lot of taiwanese don't like cinnamon. I wanted them to see that cinnamon can in fact be a good thing.
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