Iron Man Design by taiwandaily

Iron Man Design

Since most English school teachers work when students have finished school or work for the day, it means that if you want to have friends, you are probably going to make friends with people who also have mornings and early afternoons free. Already this severely cuts down on your options, but when it comes to close friends, you probably want people who are a bit more open minded and unique, rather than those who just try to fit in with everybody else. For me these two things converge mean that most of my friends are either doctors, flight attendants, or artist/designers.

I believe I've talked about the first two at length, but not sure if i've ever mentioned the life of artist, and more specifically designers. Design is a quite popular career in taiwan. It is predominately women and more than that it seems to be the one career for people who don't want to follow the norm in taiwan.

There are some setbacks to being in design though, as in taiwan it's not a very well respected job, so people do not feel that they should pay much for it. On top of this with there being so many designers, most design firms are racing to the bottom in terms of price and time. With people usually hiring whoever can do something the fastest and cheapest, so many designers work sixteen hour days seven days a week just to get everything done.

Once they get tired of being treated like cattle, most designers will go solo, doing their own private work. The hours and pay is much better, but of course the biggest problem is finding enough work. Which usually means that somebody will work for a design company for two years, quit to have their own solo business for a few months, then go back to a big design company. Rinse and repeat.

As for today's picture. There is a recent trend that every design company has to have an Iron Man in front of their office. This must have started with one, and they got a lot of business, because now all of them have an Iron Man. The interesting thing is that a lot of them say "no pictures please" so it backs up what I thought, that particular design company did not make it. Recently I came across this new gallery which has several Iron Men in it. Which made me think perhaps this guy/group makes them all and sells them, and all those design shops are buying them and passing them off as their own.

Not that it really matters. This is Taiwan where stealing...err "borrowing" other people's work, intellectual property, etc. as your own is par for the course. Regardless of who did what, it's not like Marvel is ever going to see a dime.
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