The Correct Tomato by taiwandaily

The Correct Tomato

If there is one thing that defines me, it's my hatred of tomatoes. They just weird me out. From the outside they look like they should be hard, but on the inside they are all squishy and watery. Yuck!

Here in Taiwan they have the correct tomato, the persimmon. Yes we have them in the states as well, but I always avoided them because of their likeness to tomatoes. In Taiwan though I of course was forced to have one, and although hesitant, I must admit I was pleasantly surprised. They are nice an crunchy on the inside (yes there are soft kinds though) and feel and taste exactly what I always thought a tomato should be like.

That was years ago, and since then I'll have one occasionally whenever somebody gives me one. I would eat them more often but I have yet to develop the skill to differentiate between a good one and a bad one, so I don't dare choose them from the supermarket. My persimmon adventure continued though a few weeks ago. A friend offered me up this disgusting looking thing.

Of course it scared me and my friend enjoyed laughing at my fear. The problem is because I don't know the name for persimmon in Chinese and he doesn't know it in English, so I really had no idea what it was. After getting the courage up, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was just a dried persimmon. I look forward to my next adventure with this fruit. I wonder in what way they can make it look even scarier but when I try it, it tastes just as good.
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